Updated: Jan 14, 2021
This one is for all the gents out there who want to boost there testosterone levels without the long-term dangers associated with PEDs. Although testosterone is important to both sexes were going to have some man-time here and discuss how we can boost test levels the good old fashioned way, a simple gym formula and some hard work.
What is testosterone and what does it do?
Testosterone is a hormone found in men and women and is produced in the testes or ovaries. From the age of 30 testosterone production starts to decline.
It plays an important role in sexual reproduction through both libido and sperm count/production. It is also important form bone mass, fat storage, protein synthesis, hair growth and red blood cell production to name but a few.
Lot’s of things can effect your testosterone levels negatively
We can address this by looking at our three usual areas. Lifestyle, diet and exercise.
If your body and mind are consistently subjected to chronic stress then you likely have elevated cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol levels means a reduction in T production.
Sorry to say but if you’re a couch potato who doesn’t take part in any physical activity, don’t get out in the sun or interact with people then your T levels will probably be low.
Vitamins and minerals
Lack of nutrient density in foods can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. As mentioned above, if you don’t get out in the sun once in a while then vitamin D production could be a problem. Vitamin E and C are also very important for T production and serum levels. As is zinc and magnesium.
Low fat diets
For some reason these are still seen as the way to lose weight and be healthy. Some older (but still relevant) studies and have shown that low fat diets reduce T levels. More importantly, those consuming enough saturated and monounsaturated fats show positive correlation with T levels while the polyunsaturated, high omega-6 inflammatory fats showed a negative correlation.
First let’s not confuse training hard with overtraining. Training hard is fine. Training smart is better. This means having a plan that factors in the correct levels of intensity and adequate recovery. Failure to do this could mean a steady elevation in cortisol levels.
How do you know if your testosterone levels are low?
Symptoms of low testosterone include the following.
Less energy
low self-esteem
weight gain
feelings of depression
less body hair
thinner bones
A surefire way to test your T is through a blood test or, if you are serious a 24 hour saliva and urine test. This factors in all the important things like total T and more importantly free T levels.
A fuller explanation would be great here but I want to focus instead on how a simple gym-based formula that can boost your T levels.
For some of you the following might not be anything new. But read on anyway and see if there is a way you can improve what you’re already doing.
The Formula
Compound exercise + Heavy load + Short sprint burst + long rest = Hormonal response
Compound (multi-joint) exercises like squats, deadlifts, presses, pull-ups significantly increase testosterone levels when compared with isolation exercises. So it’s dumbbell press over pec dec every time.
Heavy loads, especially when performed as above, boost both T and GH levels. Technique as always is a priority. Use loads in the region of 85 to 95% of your 1 rep max
Short sprints of 6 to 10 seconds of maximum effort on a sled, track, rower or even a spin bike will see a big boost in T. A work rest ration of 1 to 10 works well.
Long rests have been shown to be better for T production than short rests. This means around 120 seconds between efforts.
Putting it together
Here is a simple workout you can do when you hit the gym next time if you want to boost those T levels.