Updated: Mar 29, 2021
This test is aimed at testing a combination of speed and agility through various movements.
Equipment – Open space, 8 marker cones, stopwatch, and tape measure.
Aim – You are tested on your ability to quickly transition into movement and how you change direction at speed.
Technique – Marker cones are arranged in a box 10m x 5m. 4 cones in the centre 3.3m apart.

The starting position is on your stomach with palms on the floor by the shoulders.
When the timekeeper signal the start you are to spring to your feet and run the first 10m, turn the around the cone and return to the first of the 4 inside cones slaloming through, turning and coming back.
After rounding the last of the four inside cones sprint for the top marker, turn and return running through the finish line.
Record the best of a few attempts.
This is a spin on the traditional one minute push up test. The difference being that you can take a break anytime you want to try and max your score.
This might require some strategy as to how to perform the most reps unless you can complete one minute without burning out.
Equipment – Marker of 1 inch height, stopwatch
Aim – To complete as many push ups as possible in 1 minute.
Technique – Use the marker (ideally soft) as a conformation of the correct distance achieved during the push up. Reps don’t count if they don’t touch the marker.
On the go command complete as many push ups as possible in one minute. For this test you can stop and start as many times as you want within the minute.
