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Just enter your details and download instantly.


Is there a sample? - You can start the program straight away for FREE! You will need to complete the checkout process and enter the discount code 1MONTHFREE to secure the free month.


Can I cancel? - You can cancel anytime you like either before the trial ends or at any other time.


How are the sessions delivered? - Sessions are contained within my own personalized app and delivered at the start of the month. In this app you can watch videos of the exercises, log your lifts (weights and reps etc), rate your workouts and track your progress. I can also message the entire training community with updates and suggestions.


Is it hard? - Like any workout, it's as hard as you make it. Stick with the prescribed sets, reps and recommend loads and you will be challenged. Unlike many "static" training programs this program is designed to make you more athletic so movement and skill acquisition will be a feature.


Is it easy? - See above.


Why is this different from others? - The training program itself is great but the way it's delivered and the interactive nature your workouts are logged is a game changer. The fact that others are also completing the same program also means that this doesn't have to be you Vs you anymore if you don't want it to be.


What equipment? - It's rare that resistance machines are used but this program requires reasonably well equipped gym with a minimum or barbells and dumbbells with enough weight to challenge you and some basic cardio equipment. Obviously the more equipment you have the better as it means you will have to make fewer substitutions.


What level are the workouts for? - Anyone can do these workouts but I would recommend you don't start the program until you have some basic lifting experience. All exercises come with videos to check technique but nothing beats having done the movements well beforehand.


Remember to enter the discount code 1MONTHFREE

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